Hoop dancer
Nikoiya Wile is a painter and traditional hoop dancer born in Toronto, Canada. After obtaining a high-level secondary education in the visual arts, she plans to study at McGill University in the Geography and Environmental Science departments to build upon the ecological themes embedded in her paintings and dance work. She has shown work in both public and commercial galleries in what is now known as the Toronto and Ontario areas, as well as galleries and exhibitions in Peterborough and Montreal, Quebec. Her work has been featured in several publications and media outlets, including Artspace PTBO and BLM Canada ‘We Know What we Need’ public zine. Nikoiya’s practice combines painting and drawing, utilizing various mediums including ink, natural forged pigment, acrylic, and gesso.
Kokum Scarf

The inspiration for this painting came from a white, floral pattern scarf known by the Nehiyawak (Cree people) as the ‘Kokum scarf’ The floral pattern originates from the central region of Ukraine by way of trade, commerce and cooperation between the Ukrainian and Nehiyawak people. ‘Kokum’ is the Cree word for ‘Grandmother,’ serving as a reminder of our grandmothers and a symbol of the intrepid and assiduous spirit of our grandmothers: women who worked relentlessly to seek opportunities, build relationships, and foster cooperation among families and nations to ensure our survival.