Join Us

All Brampton residents are members of the Brampton Arts Organization (BAO). That’s right! As a part of the Brampton creative community, you are already a valued member of BAO. Regardless of what your creative practice is or whether you are an emerging or established artist, student, creative, collective member, arts worker, BAO has professional development and networking opportunities for you. So what’s next? Get Involved!
Sign-Up For Our Newsletter
Stay up to date with everything BAO is offering, a variety of calls for artists and community news all in one convenient location delivered right to your mailbox twice a month.
Make sure to add to your address or contact list so that you will receive our newsletter.

Follow Us On Socials
Follow us on social media and you’ll be the first to know about our workshops, events and calls for artists.

Bookmark These Pages
Bookmark our Events and Workshops and Opportunities pages, then be sure to check them regularly so you never miss an opportunity to apply to an artist call, strengthen your practice at a workshop and build your network at a community event.

Join Us At Open Studio+
Make the BAO office your own workspace, every last Wednesday of the month during Open Studio+. You can bring your own works in progress or use our art supplies and materials to start a new project; take pictures in our Photography Studio; find inspiration in the Community Library; record beats in the Recording Studio; and, most importantly of all, meet fellow community members. You never know, you might meet your next collaborator here!